Sunday, October 10, 2010

Black Onyx Dragon

The Onyx is a territorial dragon like the Ruby.  It's large wings make it look similar to the less detailed Black Diamond dragon.  When angry, they are good dragons to have on your side in a battle.  NOT so good when they're on the other side though.

Food: deer, fish, bulls  (my best friend calls them bull cows), cows, sheep, goats
Lair: Russia, in rocky caves near lakes
Enemies: other dragons
Gem: A black onyx attatched to a piece of gold 
Maincolor: Black with a yellowish goldish belly

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that dragon looks ferocious! I would want to have that dragaon on my side in a battle! It really eats bulls? Why does your friend call them bull cows?
